Thursday, September 19, 2019

Names for Everything

This topic was brought to my attention by Bella.

I believe Bella asked me where to find something and I replied, "It's on the piece."  She said, "We have names for our furniture and everyone in the family knows what we are talking about.  You don't have to explain yourself or go into any other details.  Do you think other people do this, too?"

Bella, obviously, was referring to my reply using, "the piece."  That's what we call it.  All you have to do is say, "Did you check the piece?"  or "I put it on the piece."  Everyone in our family knows what "the piece" is and where to find it in our house.

RT, of course, is the one that comes up with names for random items in our house.

"Steve" was our wheelbarrow.  I say was, because, Steve is no longer with us. He got pretty old and run down.   RIP, Steve.

"Wayne" is our stepladder.  Wayne gets used quite a bit (mostly by me).  He's great to have around for random projects.  I don't think he will be leaving us anytime soon.  Bella asked RT if Wayne had a family and RT said, "Of course!  It's all documented on the TV show, "Wayne's journey."  I'm sure you can catch it on Netflix.

Oh, and then there is the "Paint closet."  Guess why we named it that?  Yea!  Because it has cans of paint in there.  How did you know?

"The shelf" is another name we use.  That's probably pretty easy to figure out what we are referring to.  Of course there are a few shelves in our house, but, only one of them has the privilege of being called, "the shelf."

Are we the only ones out there that name's various pieces of furniture or tools?

Do you have any special names for items that you use in your house?

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