Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Random Acts of Kindness Week 2019 - Thank You Day

When was the last time you sent a handwritten Thank You note to someone?  It's probably been awhile, I bet.

Write a note to someone, thanking them for a gift they sent to you...or kind words that they said to you.  Maybe something reminded you of them and you wanted to Thank them for being your friend.

Get out your pen and paper and start writing!

Don't worry if you just have plain paper or if you have bad handrwriting.  People love to get handwritten notes!

Here are some other ideas for today.

Write a handwritten letter
Send an encouraging email
Mail a thoughtful note to a friend/family member/co-worker
Write a positive review of a local business
Thank someone
Compliment people
Give someone flowers
Give someone a valentine card
Write a letter to your mail carrier thanking them

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