Monday, July 11, 2016

OK, Everybody Grab a Goat

Visited a farm today.  Bella rode a donkey.  We saw goats, pigs, cows, ducks, geese, lambs, cats, rabbits, dogs and chickens.  The farm is all hands on.  You can pet and help feed the animals.  They have volunteers who help out with the care of the farm.

At one point, we were about to leave the barn when a stampede of goats ran in the door  A few kids were chasing them and the goats went into another room.  We figured it must be feeding time.  As it turns out, it wasn't feeding time.  We later found out that the goats escaped their area and went straight into this room in the barn and up to the feeding area. Apparently, the goats spend their day trying to figure out how to escape their pen and make it to the feeding troughs.

The goats pushed off the covers of their feeding troughs and were pushing and shoving each other.  Some were standing in one feeding container and eating out of another.  Complete chaos.

One of the volunteers came over and covered the feeding troughs.  I was trying to help and hold the covers on the troughs.  I could only completely cover one.  In the meantime she was picking up goats and telling them to go back to their pen.  Finally she says, "OK, everybody grab a goat."  This was said like it was something natural (and normal) to say and we all thought, OK, let's grab a goat.  So, RT, Bella and a bunch of little kids start grabbing goats and carrying them over to their pen.  I was covering the food troughs so the rest of the goats would follow their friends.

Luckily it was a success.  All the goats made it back safely to their pen and were secretly planning their next escape.  We thought it was a fun and crazy experience.  Definitely something that wouldn't happen where we live.

It also gave us a new line to say.

"OK, everybody grab a goat."

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