Tuesday, May 24, 2016

100 Things that I am Thankful For

I posted my list of 100 things that I am thankful for a couple of years ago.  It's been awhile and I thought it was time to write another list.  I think it's great to look around and realize all that you have been blessed with.

I think this is a great activity for everyone to do.  You are never too old (or young) to sit back and reflect on all of the things and people in your life and give thanks for them.

OK, enough procrastinating, let's get started.

I'm thankful for

1.  God
2.  my husband (RT puts up with a lot)
3.  my children
4.  my parents
5.  my brothers (and other family members)
6.  my dog (as crazy and strange as he is)
7.  my house
8.  my car
9.  my job (and RT's job)
10.  my garden
11.  rain 
12.  bees
13.  music
14.   clothes to wear
15.  shoes
16.  hair ties, pony tails
17.  books to read
18.  my friend, Patti
19.  sudoku puzzles (I'm addicted)
20.  a shower
21.  that I know how to cook and bake
22.  being a Girl Scout leader
23.  Swedish fish
24.  bulls eye candy or cow tails (another addiction)
25.  anything peppermint
26.  cinnamon tea
27.  pens and paper
28.  popcorn (another addiction)
29.  working in a toy store
30.  little scraps of paper (that's what I wrote some of the list on)
31.  handwritten letters
32.  childhood memories
33.  walking every morning
34.  homemade lotion
35.  Dr. Bronner's soaps (so many uses.  love them!)
36.  a bed to sleep in every night
37.  my sense of humor
38.  my ability to talk to anyone about anything
39.  stroopwafels (they taste good and are fun to say)
40.  icy cold glasses of water
41.  snow 
42.  the beach
43.  hiking with the family
44.  trees
45.  the sun
46.  my vitamix
47.  flowers
48.  toilet paper (no explanation needed)
49.  my sense of humor
50.  my two devoted blog readers (you know who you are!)
51.  deodorant (I have a tendency to forget at times, but, I'm thankful that it's there)
52.  perfume
53.  mints (for those around me that need one...)
54.  a good laugh
55.  hanging with my kids
56.  Kleenex 
57.  the Tooth Fairy
58.  my new phone
59.  clean water to drink
60.  my blog, so I can bore everyone with my stories
61.  a good TV show to watch
62.  when lilacs are in bloom
63.  a good conversation
64.  a Mariano's opening up by us
65.  discounts at stores where the boys are working
66.  a good presidential candidate (I'll let you know when I find one)
67.  homemade chipotle hummus
68.  I only have to make 2 more lunches this week
69.  activities with the family
70.  someone else cooking and cleaning 
71.  a clean counter with no dirty dishes
72.  a lazy day
73.  sleeping with the windows open
74.  laundry after its been hanging outside
75.  making a meal that my child requested
76.  when my kids all get along
77.  that I'm almost done with this list
78.  making a meal or salsa with fresh grown produce from my garden
79.  my health
80.  watching my kids in sports or other activities
81.  vacations
82.  good neighbors
83.  a good loud sneeze
84.  learning from my mistakes (sometimes)
85.  love
86.  art
87.  that I woke up today
88.  my senses
89.  my imagination
90.  sharing with others what I have learned
91.  the internet and a decent internet connection
92.  my mind
93.  teachers
94.  color (makes the world pretty to look at)
95.  the kindness of strangers
96.  words
97.  glass jars
98.  caller ID
99.  good salsa
100.  that I made it to 100 on this list

What are you thankful for?

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