Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Savvy Shopper - Junior Girl Scout

This is for the Savvy Shopper badge for Junior Girl Scouts.

1.  Explore your needs and wants.
2.  Look into why you want what you want
3.  Find out what makes people happy (or not!) with what they buy.
4.  Learn how to decide what to buy.
5.  Make a plan to buy something you need or want

We have covered several of these steps in previous badges (for Daisy's and Brownies).  So a lot of this was a repeat of previous patches that we have earned.

We asked that the girls write down (prior to our weekly meeting) things that they want.  At our meeting we discussed the items and asked if we really need the items.  Many of the items were things that they saw on television or maybe a friend has or someone on the bus.  Although they felt they really, really wanted the items, they realize that they don't need them.

We  (the leaders) cut out items from magazines and newspapers.  These items included: clothing, phones, jewelry, appliances, blankets, bed, furniture, computer, food, candy, etc.  We had the girls decide which items were wants and which items were needs.

We discussed times that we really wanted something (maybe a toy) and realized when we finally got the item that it wasn't all that we expected (buyers remorse).  We talked about how saving your money and really thinking about the purchase usually ends positively.  < And sometimes it ends in not making a purchase because you realize that you don't really need them item.

We brought in ad papers so the girls can price things out from different stores (comparison shopping), making note of any special features of items or added extras the store might throw in with the purchase.

We discussed the money that we would be earning from our cookie sales and decided to write down some options of what we should do with the money. *

*Our girls are working towards their Bronze Award and are planning to help others in need (be it people or animals).  They have listed many charitable ideas along with a couple of fun things to do as a group.

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