Friday, November 21, 2014

In not sure what it is, but, lately RT has gotten quite chatty. The only problem with this new found "chattiness' is that it takes place at 4am.

As you may recall from many of my posts, for some reason, I wake up in the middle of the night.  I don't physically get up out of bed.  I just stay in bed and try to get back to sleep.  RT realizes I must be awake if I get up to go to the bathroom.  (I'm awake, but, sometimes tired enough to (maybe) fall back asleep).  RT doesn't see it that way.  He just starts talking to me.  It's like he's been waiting all night for me to wake up so he can talk to me.

I don't want to be rude.  I just want to get a little more sleep.  I try to mumble something, like I'm half asleep.  Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.  Unfortunately, my big dreams of falling back to sleep are broken, and I am wide awake until I finally roll out of bed.

You know me, I love a good conversation, but, not in the middle of the night when I still have a good few hours to sleep.

The lack of sleep makes me tired earlier in the evening.  Going to bed earlier would be nice, then I can catch up on the lost sleep.

Or, maybe RT can just have these conversations with me during my awake hours.

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