I'll try to hit all of the highlights and also try to make it brief.
We talked about moving for years. The move would take place after B finished High School. Why stay in a huge house when there is only two of us, and pay ridiculous taxes?
People around us thought we were crazy. That we didn't think this through. What they didn't know was this was an ongoing topic between RT and I. The only problem? Where would we move?
We had to prepare for this move. We lived in our house for twenty seven years, raising three children. During this time, we had to sell our parents' homes and, unfortunately, some of their things became residents of our house. We did not want to move all of the stuff that we accumulated, so, downsizing was in order.
Downsizing is just another way to say that you are getting rid of a bunch of crap. OK. It isn't all crap. It's just stuff. Stuff that you haven't looked at in thirty years and, frankly have no desire to look at in the next thirty years. There were quite a few million texts sent to the kids (by me). Basically, "Does anyone want this?" And, frequent runs to the Goodwill. I think we were one of their main suppliers for the last five years.
This major "downsizing event" went on for at least five years. Why did it take so long? I don't think we were that serious going into it. We kept thinking we would have more time. We will do it later. We might need it. The last six months we were at our house we got rid of more stuff than the previous five years.
There were quite a few things we did to make the house look nice. I'm still upset we didn't paint the laundry room years ago. Why did we wait until we were selling it?
We packed up what we could and stacked boxes in the garage. Those first boxes packed, we had no idea what was in them. Yes, we labeled them. I wasn't allowed to go back and pull stuff out.
Our house was put on the market in the middle of April. We wanted enough time to celebrate Easter with our family and friends, watch B enjoy her senior activities (prom, senior celebration), B's graduation and a graduation party. All with the hopes of moving out at the end of June.
Our house sold (crazy, but it happened on our 30th Anniversary). After the grad party I realized that I had to quit my favorite job and get serious about this whole move thing.
We packed the rest of our stuff, made a million more trips to Goodwill and two moving trucks up to a storage locker in the town that we would eventually live.
Oh, our house, the one we would be moving into was being rented through the summer, so we were homeless for a while.
More about the crazy move in another post.
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