Saturday, February 13, 2021



Yea, you!  

I thought I would give you a little heads up.  Tomorrow is Valentine's Day.  I'm sure it slipped your mind.  I don't want you to land in the dog house so, this is me, giving you a little nudge to get your act together and take action.

I'm one of those people who likes  enjoys  ok, LOVES Valentine's Day.  In fact, RT says that Valentine's Day is a National Holiday in my world.  It is, isn't it?  We should all have the day off and celebrate with our loved ones!  

Oh, your special someone doesn't like Valentine's Day? (are they even friends with me?)  
They think it's a lot of hype?  
A Hallmark holiday?  
They don't believe in it or celebrate it?

I think your best bet is to play it safe and do something from the heart to show your love for them.  Maybe you can make dinner or a dessert?  There are quite a few recipes here on the blog, just click on recipes on the side tab.  Maybe there was a specific item mentioned in the last week (a shirt, candy, a snow scraper*) that you could run out and purchase? 

 Don't forget a card.  If you aren't the crafty type, why not pour your heart out in a letter.  If you aren't feeling the Shakespeare vibe running through your veins, a nice, short, sweet little note is perfect.

You can thank me later.

*We have been getting quite a bit of snow here so a snow scraper would actually be a very loving gift for those that have to park their car outside.

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