Monday, January 20, 2020

My Weird Dog

Pippen's new bed saga continues....

During my last "weird dog" post, I described the lovely new dog bed that I purchased for Pippen.  A nice, huge, fluffy pillow that he can sprawl out on when he is taking his nice long naps.  Something that looks a lot nicer than the old sleeping bag he has that is bunched up in the corner of our family room.

I believe I can now say, that after a week, Pippen has successfully put an elbow, paw and head on the pillow (all at the same time).  Well, it's a start, right?

One night, while RT was trying to lure Pippen over to the pillow he says to me, "He's just like you!"

Me:  What do you mean?  I'm offended by that comment!

RT:  He's like you because he has something new (his pillow) and he's afraid to use it.

For those of you who know me, you know that statement is true.

When I get something new, I'm afraid to use the item.  I get new clothes and I won't wear them.  New shoes?  They will sit in my closet for awhile.  It's like the item has to age a little or grow old  on me before I can start using or wearing it.

And, of course, there's a backstory.

When I was little, whenever I got something new, especially clothing, my Mom would tell me that I should "Save it for a special occasion." I remember a white top that I had hanging in my closet.  I would take it out and look at it, waiting for that "special occasion" where I could finally put it on and wear it.  Finally, an occasion came and I asked to wear it.  My Mom told me that it won't fit me (I grew).  I said, "But, I never got to wear it!"  My Mom told me I should have worn it while it fit me.

When I started writing this post, I was using an old blue pen.  Half way through this post, and I switched to one of my new pens that I got for Christmas.

So, you see, Pippen, it's OK to get new things and use them.  That's what they are there be used/worn/slept on.  Give your pillow a try.  I bet you will love taking little naps on it and enjoy it's fluffiness.  You won't miss the ol' sleeping bag!

P.S.  I'm still offended.

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