Monday, August 19, 2019

Tea Snob

I like to drink tea.  I don't drink tea every day.  Some days, tho, I really need my cup of tea.  I have my favorites.  I also have a list of some that are not that pleasing to drink.  Well, for me, at least.  By the way, that's the polite way to say that I don't like them.

My tea drinking has rubbed off on my child.  Bella loves drinking tea.  In fact, I think she drinks more tea than I do.  We have different tastes in tea.  There are some teas that we both like to drink, and, of course, teas that we don't like.

One tea that I have been trying to like is green tea.  It's supposed to be one of the best teas out there for you to drink.  Green tea promotes health, prolong life expectancy, improves memory and cognitive function.  Search green tea benefits for a complete list.

One day, while we were out shopping, Bella and I decided to stop in the tea aisle.  We find it fun to peruse the different kinds of tea.  Yea.  We're  little strange.  The tea aisle happened to be the hot spot that day.  Lots of people buying tea.  We stood back to let the shoppers do their thing.  We understand the need for tea.  One customer was looking at the Green Tea.  Bella said, "He's looking at the Green tea.  Who buys green tea?  Why would he do that?"

Now, Bella thought she was talking just to me, but, unfortunately she didn't turn the volume down on her voice.  The customer turned to us and smiled.  I smiled back and apologized.

Me:  You need to watch what you say.  You are a tea snob.  You just tea shamed someone!

Bella:  I didn't realize I was talking that loud.

And, there you have it.  I have raised a tea snob and a tea shamer.

Do you like to drink tea?

What's your favorite tea to drink?


  1. Does kombucha count? T makes the best kombucha. I also love ginger tea and peppermint tea. What's your favorite? You didn't say.

    1. Hmm...Kombucha! That should count. I've never tried making it. That sounds interesting!
      I like Cinnamon and peppermint and Chai.
      I'm determined to give Green tea another chance. If I do find that I like it, I will have to hide it from the child so I don't get tea shamed.

  2. I like Strawberry Green, Sunrise Jasmine and Strawberry Lemonade. I usually do an iced tea.

    Here is where I get my supply. The owner has a great supply of my great teas. His oolongs are the best.
