Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Graham Cracker Crust for Pumpkin Pie

Once again, I cooked down a pumpkin.  This time, I used the crock pot to cook it.  It took less time and was so much easier than last year.

It's pretty easy.

Cut pumpkin and scrape out seeds.   Cut in smaller pieces and place the cut side facing down inside the crock pot.  Put lid on and cook on high for 2 hours and a fork can easily pierce the skin).  Let cool.  I then cut off the skin and placed in a food processor until smooth.

I walked away with enough pumpkin for 8 pies.  I froze the pumpkin in bags (3 cups of pumpkin to a bag).

I decided to try making the pie with a Graham Cracker Crust and it turned out delicious.

If you need the recipe for the pumpkin pie, click HERE.

Here's the recipe for the crust:

Graham Cracker Crust

1/3 cup butter
1/4 cup sugar*
1 1/4 cups finely crushed graham crackers (18 crackers)**

Melt butter.
In mixing bowl, add crushed graham crackers and sugar and mix.  Stir in melted butter and mix well.
Spread mixture evenly into a 9 inch pie plate, pressing onto bottom and sides of plate.
Bake at 375F for 5-7 minutes or until edge is lightly browned).
Cool completely before filling

*I used half of this amount.  I figure that there is sugar in the graham crackers.

** I used the food processor to crush the graham crackers.

Let me know if you try making homemade pumpkin pie!


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