Friday, October 9, 2015

Cough Attacks

Yes. I finally went to the doctor. And, just as I thought, it's a cold. Apparently it's going around and the cough can last up to three weeks.  RT said, "That isn't bad considering you're a week and a half into it."

I'm just happy that it isn't bronchitis. I do have some real bad cough attacks. I have been coughing so much lately that the kids can identify me by my cough. Alex was at the orthodontist and said he heard coughing and immediately knew it was me. 

My side hurts from coughing so much.  

I find it interesting that if I go into a full cough attack, my family ignores me. I think they are so used to hearing me cough that its like a background noise to them. I can cough myself to death and they wouldn't realize what happened to me for a week. 

Again, hoping this ends soon. 

Oh, that constant coughing you hear in the background?  That's me.  I can use a glass of water, by the way. Thanks. 

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