Monday, July 23, 2012

E for Empty

Ok, honey, this is the post that you don't have to read.  Just skip this one, ok? 
Of course, that just made the post a lot more interesting and now you can't pull yourself away.
I'm giving you one last chance to stop reading.
Hopefully you took the hint.  Here we go.
One of my pet peeves.
I don't mind driving a car.  I tend to do a little chauffeuring with the kids, so, I better get some joy out of it.  (and not just the dropping the child off part, either)  The one thing I don't like is driving a car that is on empty.  You know that little gauge on the dashboard?  The one that has an F (for Full) and an E for Empty?  When it gets closer to E, you know it's time to start thinking about filling the tank with gasoline.  Yes, honey, I know that you can still go "so many" more miles till it actually stops running.  I just don't want to play that game when I'm driving.  Sometimes when I'm running an errand, or trying to get somewhere I don't add: "stop at a gas station"  on my To Do list.  I assume the car has enough gas to get me to my destination. 
And remember the Jetta?  The time we were driving somewhere and got stuck at the light on Route 53  with two gas stations across the street.  You're right.  I'll give that one to you.  The gauge told us we had a quarter of a tank but we were out of gas.
So, make sure there is gas in the tank when you are done driving the car.   If you don't have time to stop at the gas station, let the other person know that your car is low on gas before you start offering up your car to be driven.
There.  I said it.  I feel a lot better.  Thank you.


  1. Oh Fontaine, I feel your pain! Patti, are you listening to this?

    1. Ah, a sympathizer. Thank you.
      I'm hoping I didn't start an argument.

  2. Yes... if you can count reading as listening.
