Thursday, December 29, 2011

Gone Missing

This time of year brings out strange things in my children.  Usually it is the excitement, which then leads to the lack of sleep, and then, eventually, extreme crabbiness.

This year, it has severely affected the youngest child.  Well, she is the one that is really into Santa Claus and presents and decorating and reindeer and Christmas carols and cookies and more presents and the sugar and wrapping presents and a little more sugar and the trimmings and trappings and the waiting and waiting (patiently?) for Christmas Day to arrive.

I thought we had successfully made it through Christmas without any problems.  But, alas, they all started a couple of days ago when Bella went to play with a friend.  She was quite excited about this playdate with 2 of her friends (one of these friends is moving and going to another school).  We finally get to the house and... she starts clinging to me and crying.  And, it starts.  45 minutes later (yes, I'm still at the house trying to figure out if she wants to stay or go home) I am finally released.  The short walk home (they live a couple blocks away) I am wondering what happened to my happy child?

When I picked her up, a couple hours later, all was fine (like this incident never happened).  We talked about how this won't be repeated.  Of course, the next day, at another playdate, the same thing happens.  (minus the crying.  remember?  she said she wouldn't cry next time)

I think it boils down to the excitement and lack of sleep.  (well, that is my educated guess)  I will try to have her catch up on some sleep and not have any more playdates for awhile.  Case solved.

You are probably wondering about the title to this post.  I'm getting to that part.  Hang in there.

I was working in the basement and overheard Bella tell Alex that my (yes, me, my) underwear are in her hamper.  She then tells him that she thinks they are dirty and doesn't know how they got there.  I'm thinking that this is just something funny she is saying.  Maybe the lack of sleep is getting to her and she's making things up about undergarments?  (that's one of the signs of being tired, isn't it?  telling people that someone else's dirty underwear are in your hamper)  That evening while putting her to bed, and after mentioning this story several more times, I thought I would check it out.  Sure enough,  guess what I found?  Several pairs of my underwear!  Bella has  no idea how they got there.  She has no idea who has been wearing them.  (certainly not me) (and of course, certainly not Bella)  My conclusion:  There is an underwear burglar out there stealing people's underwear and wearing them and putting them in someone else's hamper.  Good thing I didn't come in contact with this burglar.  They might steal the underwear I'm wearing! 

Bella had her night time melt down and then finally fell asleep.  I'm hoping she gets the rest that she needs.  The holidays are hard on some people.  Especially the little ones.  I hope my sweet little girl returns and, I hope that the underwear burglar stays away.

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