Monday, March 25, 2024

County Courthouse

 I mentioned a few posts back about my adventure as a witness at the county courthouse.  Very exciting stuff.  What I forgot to mention was my walk from my car into the building (and back again).

We live in a decent area.  The courthouse is in a very nice town.  Nice homes.  Friendly people.  A place where you feel safe walking down the street.

I parked in the back lot and walked up to the building.  When I reached the doors, I realized that I had my cell phone with me.  That's a big no-no.  Cell phones are not allowed, unless you are a juror.  So, I had to run it back to my car.  For some strange reason, I felt like I was going to be mugged walking back and forth to my car.  There were a few police cars by the doors, and I still felt someone was going to jump me.  

I'm sure I was safe (I think?).  I still ran to my car after completing my job as a witness.

Has anyone else felt this way at their county courthouse?

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