Friday, March 24, 2023

Retail Problems - Self Checkout

 I thought I would dedicate a post to self-checkout.  It's called self-checkout (SCO) for a reason.  You scan the items out yourself.  The employee standing there is for any problems or questions that arise.  Not to scan your entire order.  Oh, and it's fifteen items or less, by the way.  I'm surprised at the number of people who can't read the sign.  It is definitely not two carts full of merchandise.

OK, now that we have cleared all of that up, let's get started.

Customer:  "Why is there only one cashier?"
Me:  Because we don't have enough cashiers.
Customer:  Well, if I wanted to scan stuff, I would go to Wal-Mart.

The SCO machine accepts credit or debit cards only.  The customer came up and asked me to read it to them.  She replied, "Oh.  I guess its a good thing I went to the eye doctor this morning."

There are customers that are on their phone.  They can't scan and talk at the same time.  They end up causing the line to back up.  You are either on the phone or you are scanning.  Not both.

Some customers decide they want a job.  "They should give me a discount for scanning my own stuff."  Umm, who decided to use the SCO machine?

I get some crazy questions like, "Can we check out here with food?"  I work in a grocery store, so, yea, that's what you scan here.

There's the customer who told me, "I don't want this because it's too wet."  And she handed me a red cabbage.  In case you are wondering, it wasn't wet.

There are customers who approach SCO and throw all of their stuff on the floor.  I guess they can't see the shelf attached to the machine.

And of course, the customers who approach the machine and say, "I'm not good at this."  

Oh, and I can't forget the woman who said to me, "Sister, I need help over here."

My personal favorite was the customer leaving SCO, mumbling to herself.  She walks toward the restrooms and enters the men's restroom.  Fifteen seconds passed, she came out mumbling and entered the women's restroom. 

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