Monday, August 8, 2022

National Bargain Hunting Week

 This year I am posting about the fun National Weeks throughout the year.  This week is National Bargain Hunting Week.

It's a good thing that we decluttered and simplified our lives last week.  This week we are on the hunt for some good bargains!

Everyone enjoys a good bargain.  Be it an item off the clearance rack, at a flea market, the shelves of a thrift store or from a good old fashioned garage sale.  Some find more excitement in the thrill of the hunt.

Now, before you head out on your next bargain hunt adventure, make a list of items that you are looking for, including size and color.  Also, do a little homework and find out what those items are going for on platforms like, eBay, Craigslist and Marketplace.   Remember to check local thrift stores regularly (inventory can change daily). When frequenting yard sales, remember to ask for the best price.  Some people are willing to bargain with you just so they can get rid of the item.

Oh, yea, just because it's National Bargain Hunting week doesn't mean you can clutter up your home with a bunch of stuff.  Remember to only buy things that you need and will use.

You can use #BargainHuntingWeek on social media to share your finds. 

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