Monday, August 29, 2022

Waiting Room

 On my many visits to the dentist and lengthy waiting room times I made a little observation.  It all has to do with the seating in these rooms.  I understand that the office tries to make the rooms cozy and homey, like you are just hanging out in your living room.  What they don't realize, in their hours spent decorating, is that the chairs are extremely very uncomfortable.

There was an episode of 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' where Larry David brings up the uncomfortable chair to the therapist.  The doctor never tried sitting in the chair.  He was more concerned how the chair fit in with the decor.

On a couple of these (dentist office) visits, I was uncomfortably seated in this torture device chair for over an hour.  This is the office with the soap opera station, so, yea, pure torture.  I think the doctor and waiting room designer should be forced to sit in their waiting room for eight hours straight several hours a day and see how comfortable they find the furniture and surroundings.  I have a feeling that things would quickly change.

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