Friday, December 2, 2022

Remote Start

A remote starter is a radio-controlled device which is installed to preheat or cool before the owner gets into their vehicle.

I'm not sure if I mentioned this in a previous post but I no longer am the proud owner of the Jetta.  Yea, you're right.  I was never a proud owner of that car.  The car that was in the shop at the dealer at least 4 times a year.  I did catch up on what was happening in the world of golf though.  

My new car has a feature called 'remote start.'  That's where you press a button, while you are nice and toasty indoors, and the car warms up while you run around like a mad person make your way out the door.  This is a feature that I was never interested in having on a car.  I love the cold and feel it's a great experience being in the car and suffering while it is warming up.  Probably something to do with my Midwest upbringing.  

There have been a couple of mornings where I was rushing around getting ready for work and decided that I could have the car warm up while I continue to run around like a crazy person.   I found that I was able to hop in the car and drive off.  No sitting around waiting for the car to warm up. 

I don't think I will be relying on this new feature, but I do have to say that it has its perks.

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