Sunday, February 13, 2022

National Random Acts of Kindness Week

 This year I thought I would pepper the blog with some fun National Weeks throughout the year. 

This week is National Random Acts of Kindness Week.

This is one week out of the year that is dedicated to performing as many Random Acts of Kindness as possible.

If you haven't made a New Year's Resolution, maybe this is it?  This would be an awesome challenge for your Girl Scout Troop!  I'm sure there is a fun patch that the girls can earn, or they can make their own patch!

Are you up for the challenge?

Well, here we go!

Here are some ideas of kind deeds that you can perform this week.

The Challenges:
Smile at 25 people
Slip a nice note in your friend's backpack (child's lunch or spouse's briefcase/purse)
Compliment 5 people
Pick up 10 pieces of garbage on a walk
Make a new friend
Tell a joke and make someone laugh
Be kind to yourself and eat a healthy snack
Learn something new about your friend, co-worker, spouse
Draw a picture and give it to someone
Recycle your trash
Hug your friend
Cut out 10 hearts and give them to friends
Entertain someone with a happy dance
Make a kind poster for cafeteria helpers
Say "Good Morning" to 5 people
Make a wish for a child in another country
Say "Thank you" to a crossing guard
Invite a new friend to hang out with you
Send a Thank You to your Superintendent
Offer to help your custodian
Sit with a new Group of people at lunch
Read a book to a younger child
Give an Apple or note to your Teacher
Step up for someone in need
Make and display a "Kindness Matters" sign
Make a bookmark for a friend
Hold the door open for someone
Thank a bus driver or car pool driver
Write a "Thank you" on a band aid for a Nurse
Whisper "Thank you" to the Librarian
Help someone up if they fall down
Learn to say "Hello" in a different language
Bring a flower to the office staff
Say "Thank you" to a volunteer
Make a friendship gift for someone new to you
Thank a Mail Carrier, Police Officer, Fire Fighter

Add some kind deeds of your own.

I challenge you to perform as many kind deeds as you can this week.  Check off your kind acts as you go.

What a great way to start the week!

How many kind deeds will you do this week?

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