Sunday, October 9, 2011

Super Size Me

We just joined one of those warehouse clubs.  Well, we belonged to one for a long time and just recently made a switch.  The grumbling in the background you hear is from the kids.  Apparently "EVERYTHING" is better at the old warehouse club. 

There are somethings that make me agree with that statement.  For example, the milk jugs always spilling/leaking.  You always need a wash cloth with you when pouring a glass of milk.  Yea, a few drips here, there, everywhere, you're probably saying, why are you complaining so much?  Well, when you're buying 6 gallons of milk a week, all of those little drips might add up to a half gallon. 

Then there is the fact that they don't always stock the same items.  They might be there one week, but, next week they're GONE!  That drives me crazy!  Who doesn't stock rawhides for dogs? 

The selection at this club is a lot different.  I like the variety.  There's always something new to see or try.  Which brings me to the sizes.  Do they really have to make the boxes/containers so huge?  Sometimes you're at the club and realize you are out of something, and, why not pick it up here and save yourself a trip to another store?  Save you gas, time, money and good for the environment, right?  What you end up getting is what RT and I call, the "lifetime supply." 

RT went to the club the other day and I had flour on my list.  They sell them in smaller packages, 20# each.  RT comes home with a HUGE 50lb bag.  The location in our cabinet at home for the flour is the bottom shelf. (try bending and shoving a 50lb bag of flour on a lower shelf in a cabinet)  This super size would have been great around Christmas.  (If I was making cookies for an army!) 

I'm trying to make the best of it.  I have made a few batches of cookies and several pizzas.  Luckily Bella's birthday is coming up in November...and, well, Nick's in December, and, hey, then there's Christmas!  

Now, if only I could use the flour to make rawhides....

1 comment:

  1. I always say you can never have too much flour. How about making more cookies?
