Monday, May 8, 2023


 It's finally starting to warm up here in the Midwest.  Well, somedays it's warm.  Totally normal for the area we live.  

Springtime weather brings on yard work.  There's always something to do outside your house or in the garden. 

One of the fun yardwork chores, and everyone's favorite, is weeding!  Maybe some of you have it easy and use chemicals to kill your weeds.  Maybe you have someone else do the dirty work pull the weeds.  Somehow this became my job.  

Now, I'm not complaining that I have been awarded this position.  I have many years of experience in pulling weeds.  In fact, I remember my Mom teaching me how to pull weeds.  Yea, I think there was a hidden motive there.   My only problem with pulling weeds is once I start, I have a hard time stopping.  In fact, my family knows about my sickness if I start leaning over to pick a weed, someone will say, "Don't start that now!"  And I have to stop myself.  I might say, "I'm just going to pick one." or I'm just going to pick a couple."   Everyone knows that translates to, "I'll be out here for several hours."

To be fair, I feel if I stay on top of the weeding, there is less to do later.  I also find it quite peaceful and relaxing (except when you get a stubborn weed that won't budge).

Do you have a lawn service or do you spend the warmer months plucking those nasty weeds?

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