Wednesday, November 23, 2022

National Espresso Day

  It's finally here.  The day that my brother everyone has patiently been waiting to celebrate.

 Happy National Espresso Day everyone!

What's the difference between espresso and plain coffee?  According to the professionals (the baristas), it doesn't matter what kind of bean you use (or how it was roasted) it's all how the beans are brewed.   How do you make espresso?  By forcing pressurized water through these finely ground coffee beans, it produces a concentrated brew with a delicate foam or crema.

The word espresso in Italian means "quick in time."   In the late 1800's, the espresso was made to order by using freshly ground roasted coffee beans and was freshly brewed right before serving.  The first espresso machine was invented in 1901 by the Italian inventor, Luigi Bezzera.  This machine produced a smaller, more concentrated cup of espresso than the traditional coffee brewing methods.  I'm sure RT is quite thankful for this invention.

Not an espresso or coffee drinker?

How about adding some espresso powder to your next batch of cookies?  The espresso powder can give your baked goods a tasty mocha flavor twist.

How about adding a shot of hot espresso to a simple scoop of vanilla ice cream?   Sounds strange but it's an Italian dessert called affogato.

Maybe you're more into lattes?  Why don't you try adding an espresso shot (or two) to your latte today.

Or, what about eating a chocolate espresso bean?  

Why do we love National Espresso Day?  It's a great way to wake you up!  A single shot of espresso can perk up the slowest morning person.  A few shots of espresso and imagine all of the things you can get done today!?  Just ask RT, who is celebrating today and is probably on his fourth espresso right now.

How to observe the day?  Enjoy a shot of espresso and post it on social media using #NationalEspressoDay on your posts/photos.

Or you can be like me and eat a handful of dark chocolate covered espresso beans and get a lot of things done around the house. 

How will you celebrate today?

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